Eugene M. Zdrojewski, Jr.
Commercial Real Estate Appraiser
Serving Charleston, Huntington, Beckley and Parkersburg West Virginia Metro Areas

WV CG013
Involved in West Virginia Real Estate Since 1970
Office Phone 1-304-201-2221
Mobile Phone 1-304-553-2396
West Virginia real estate appraisers have been licensed and regulated by the West Virginia Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board since 1991. (I began my appraisal career in 1972.)
By law we must follow the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of The Appraisal Foundation
There are three levels of licensing - licensed residential, certified residential and certified general​
On September 1, 1991 I became the 13th Certified General Appraiser licensed in the State of West Virginia. (WV CG013)
West Virginia appraisal licenses are renewed yearly beginning October 1st upon completion of 14 hours of approved continuing education each year and payment of the licensing fee. I have been licensed continuously since 1991.
I also hold a real estate broker's license and was granted Realtor Emeritus status in 2016 for 40 years membership in and service to my local board of Realtors. I am not presently active in brokerage, but maintain membership in the boards in my appraisal coverage area.